What is a health coach?

A health coach uses knowledge, empathy, experience, and understanding to help people with behavior and habit change. Coaches work with your likes and dislikes to help create health transformation. Together you and your coach find creative, fun, and unique ways to encourage positive changes and develop strong healthy habits to improve your experience of life.

Do you help people with other health conditions?

Yes, as discussed in my book, I understand how inflammation can affect many different health conditions. I have a lot of remarkable information and powerful lifestyle suggestions that may reduce inflammation and greatly improve your health. I especially enjoy helping people navigate through difficult health challenges, such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, insomnia, epilepsy, depression, and anxiety. 

What is the difference between therapy and health coaching?

Therapy often focuses on the past to understand why something is happening. Therapy is designed to help with mental health conditions. In contrast, coaching focuses on the future to discover how to create lasting changes and achieve important health goals. Coaching helps the client find inner strength, resources, and purpose. A coach also improves accountability and the chance of making new habits last. Importantly. coaching is not therapy and does not treat or diagnose any health conditions, whether physical or mental. Think of your coach as a good friend who encourages and supports you to become your best version.

Does a coach tell me what to do and boss me around?

An excellent health coach offers amazing information, suggestions, and ideas that help create new habits and ways of seeing personal challenges. Coaching allows clients to identity and break through limiting beliefs by asking questions and providing a fresh perspective. A coach will not boss you around and demand you do anything. Instead, a coach offers support, guidance, and insight while challenging you to grow and achieve your goals.

Will I have to give up anything and change my habits?

Yes. The secret to improving health is changing daily habits. Coaching helps you accomplish this by offering kindness, guidance, information, and accountability. Coaching will encourage you to try new habits to create a health lifestyle and a NEW YOU. Your coach will equip you with incredibly useful information and loving support, which will allow you to transform your health and feel powerful.

Why has habit change been so hard for me?

Habit change is difficult when we try to do too much at once and without the proper support. Life is busy and time seems to always be in short supply. Therefore, finding simple ways to shift into new habits is critical. Having the loving support and guidance from a great coach is helpful to overcome past difficulties experienced when trying to change habits. Together we may achieve better health for you and those you love.

When should I consider working with a health coach?

If you or someone you love is struggling with a health condition and nothing is truly helping, then working with a health coach may provide the missing piece needed for a health transformation.

Will a coach help me find useful information and guide me?

The internet has become an overwhelming sea of information, and much of it is incorrect, which creates a lot of confusion. Therefore, it is important to find a brilliant coach who has done independent research for thousands of hours and written and amazing book. This improves your chances of finding solutions and guidance for your health condition.

Do you provide meal plans?

I can help you find meals you like and encourage you to take the small steps needed to begin cooking more meals at home. At this time I do not offer set meal plans, but will likely offer specific plans in the near future.

What health conditions do you focus on?

I love to help people better understand many different health conditions, such as autism, cancer, obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes, epilepsy, depression, and anxiety. I have a unique perspective of many diseases based on thousands of hours of independent research and my ability to understand complex patterns with my high-functioning autistic mind. I can reference many scientific studies to support most of my ideas and guidance. I wrote a book with a lot of helpful information that is a good window into my thought process and unique insights. This book is free to read on my website and can be purchased on amazon.com.

Can my friends just help me instead?

Sometimes friends can help with challenging problems. However, often the advice and suggestions of friends is biased by their relationship with you and their lack of experience. This is especially a problem when discussing health conditions, which is a complicated subject. For this reason, having a knowledgeable and experienced coach to talk with will bring structure, clarity, and accountability that friendship often do not offer.

How much does coaching cost?

I charge 200 per hour when clients commit to a 6 month program of 12 separate one hour calls. Six month commitments are preferable because many health changes and habits take about six months to noticeably affect quality of life and begin healing chronic health conditions.

If a client just wants to pay by the hour and not commit to a longer program, then I charge 270 per hour.

Charging a higher price for coaching helps many clients be more invested and committed to the process, which greatly increases the chance of successfully changing bad habits and lifestyle patterns.

Do you offer a free consultation?

Yes, I offer a 20-30 minute free consultation so potential clients can ask questions and see if we may work well together.

What forms of payment are accepted?

Venmo, checks, and most credit cards are accepted forms of payment.

Do you take insurance?

No, I do not take insurance for health coaching.