One Last Thing

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Depending on your current level of knowledge, some of the terms and ideas in this book can be technical. I did my best to explain clearly. If you do not know what a word means, then the internet is a great way to find definitions and bring clarification. I plan on writing more books in the future and I will improve and clarify my writing with feedback from readers.

Now a word of caution. Sometimes when discussing new ideas, other people appeal to authority during a debate, which is a well-known logical error. This occurs because people often assume an idea is accurate because of how much authorities already approve of an idea. However, remember that throughout history, paradigm shifts move against the stagnation created by excessive reliance on authorities. 

For example, not long ago, virtually everyone thought the Sun orbited around Earth. An individual that was not an establish authority thought differently. His ideas soon led to the change of this incorrect view held to be totally true by authorities of his time. Paradigm shifting ideas often come from outside perspectives simply because a fresh perspective is necessary to clearly see solutions.

Applying ideas in this book can greatly improve neuron connectivity in most people. Having a well-connected neuron network is critical for creative thinking, improved memory, and better focus. Reduced connectivity creates rigid thinking and limits the ability to solve complicated problems. Therefore, businesses may massively improve by applying these ideas in the workforce. If any business wants a consultation on methods to enhance productivity, then please contact me on my website.

This book also presents ideas that improve ASD research. I would love the opportunity to consult on projects at an open-minded research facility. 

Contact me at either, or if you have any questions, ideas, or suggestions.