Health is wealth. Good health is necessary to enjoy many parts of life to the fullest. At some point you may have realized your health is not where you want it to be, but lack the motivation and energy to make important lifestyle changes. You feel trapped and unable to meet your own health goals. Fortunately, having the help of a compassionate and intelligent health coach may be the secret to unlocking your potential.


You love business. You get excited by overcoming challenges, providing excellent services, helping people, making money, and outperforming competitors. But maybe you notice your productivity and creativity is lacking. What if subtle chronic inflammation was the main reason your business is not thriving? Work with us to discover how simple changes may lead to incredible business improvements.


You spend lots of money on research hoping to find useful answers to some of humanities greatest health challenges. However, you notice the research you are funding is not providing the amazing results you were hoping for. You feel something is missing in how the research is structured and performed. Work with us to discover how to improve research is multiple ways and deliver actual help to many people.


We Can Help With More Than Just Autism

If you enjoyed the amazing book Autism Mystery, then you know autistic people are often more sensitive to the many nutritional, environmental, and lifestyle factors that negatively affect many different types of health conditions. Our health coaching services may drastically improve your health.

Do you or someone you know struggle with any of these other health challenges?

  • ANXIETY: Your heart beat is fast and your breathing is shallow. Your body feels constantly ready for something dangerous to happen. You have a hard time relaxing. You want to feel calm and in control of your mind and body.
  • DEPRESSION: You feel life has become heavy. You do not experience the joy for living that you used to. You believe there has to be a way to feel better and happier.
  • INSOMNIA: You have difficulty staying asleep. Even when you think you sleep well, you still wake up tired and have low energy during the day. You want to experience more vitality and deeper sleep, like how it was when you were younger.
  • STRESS: You feel like you are drowning in problems and do not have enough time for anything. You find yourself angry for no good reason. You seek a way to feel in control and support both your mind and your body.
  • OVERWEIGHT: You have tried dieting and it doesn’t work. You may lose weight, but it always comes back. You know there is some piece of the puzzle you are missing. You want to feel healthy, free, and powerful in your body. You seek a more complete understanding of weight loss and simple ways to achieve your goals.
  • PURPOSE: You do not like your job and you feel a loss of creativity in your life. You know you are meant for more, but are unsure of what. You want a life of passion, vision, and purpose.
  • PAIN: You suffer from pain, which often occurs in your back, neck, or knees. Your body feels much stiffer. You want the pain to melt away and your body to feel free.

What To Expect Starting Out


In an online confidential form containing important and unique questions, you tell us about:

  • Health goals and concerns
  • Medications and supplements
  • Types of food eaten
  • Stress and energy levels
  • What a typical day is like


We meet online or on the phone to:

  • Discuss your health goals
  • Understand health challenges
  • Learn what gets in the way
  • Discover habit patterns
  • Create an overall strategy
  • Ask and answer questions


After your first session, depending on your health goals and current challenges, you will receive a customized list of simple habit changes. Making small, but important changes, may greatly improve your overall health. 

Some of these simple habit changes may include:

  • Increasing nutrition awareness
  • Following circadian rhythms
  • Stress reduction techniques
  • Doing more joyful activities
  • Journaling to track progress


Each time we meet, we will:

  • Review your overall progress
  • Celebrate recent wins
  • Discuss where you get stuck
  • Ask and answer questions
  • Review diagnostic tests
  • Modify strategy as needed


Diagnostic tests may help to reveal useful information about your health challenges.


IgG Food Map (Dried Blood Spot)

Many people, especially autistics, struggle with multiple food sensitivities that are difficult to understand. These food sensitivities can affect the entire body and are not limited to only digestion. Various mental disorders, such as anxiety, depression, and brain fog, may drastically improve by avoiding specific food sensitivities.


MycoTOX Urine Panel

Many types of mold produce toxic byproducts, known as mycotoxins. Certain homes and office buildings may be especially vulnerable to mold overgrowth, which releases harmful mycotoxins that affect human health. This test scans for 11 different mycotoxins from over 40 mold species.


Comprehensive Stool Analysis

Good digestion is critical for health. An imbalance of intestinal bacteria can contribute to many problems. Autistic people also often have a harmful overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans. This test can also check for other problems in the intestines, such as infectious pathogens, parasites, and inflammation.


Hair Metal and Mineral Analysis

This test may help determine if heavy metals or mineral deficiencies are affecting health. Because of environmental pollution and industrial meat production, heavy metals are a growing health problem in society. Many people may also be deficient in important minerals needed to help detoxify the body.


Urine Amino Acid

This test helps uncover potential nutritional deficiencies and metabolic problems. The test also checks for magnesium-dependent markers, neurological markers, and various detoxification markers. These imbalances can affect many different health conditions. Understand your health better.


Work with us to improve your health and take your business success to the next level.

  1. Attention to detail: We dive deeply into what health factors may be negatively affecting your business. We look at sunlight exposure, nutrition, stress management, exercise, sleep patterns, and so much more.
  2. Next level information: We provide you simple strategies to begin making multiple health improvements and start achieving next level business success. All of our strategies are backed by scientific research and a stronger understanding of the body’s elegant biochemical pathways.
  3. Follow through: We take pride in providing a quality service and make sure you have a great experience working with us. As health changes and new challenges arise, we adapt with you to help you achieve your dreams. We provide a 100% money back guarantee if you are not happy with our services in the first 90 days.

What You Get

  • Better perspective on your present day goals, health, and concerns
  • Powerful strategies and objectives to achieve for improved health
  • A clearer understanding of the biochemistry affecting your success
  • Proven methods to build excellent habits and increase performance
  • Ability to ask questions, get the answers you need, and save time
  • A smart and compassionate consultant who holds you accountable

Is This You?

  • Under performing: You are unable to meet your business goals.
  • Lacking energy: You have fatigue and lack the necessary motivation.
  • Insomnia: You experience difficulty sleeping and wake up tired.
  • Physical Pain: You struggle with pain that affects your work day.
  • Lazy workforce: Your employees lack creativity and are unmotivated.
  • You want change: You are seeking a way to improve overall health.

Time Commitment

It is important to understand health improvements take time. There are usually entrenched habits and lifestyle habits that require consistent effort to overcome. Chronic health conditions take longer to heal because they often manifest after many years of poor lifestyle choices and stress mismanagement.

However, the healing process may be much quicker with the right coaching, support, and information. The internet is full of conflicting information and it can be difficult to know what to do. Having a brilliant consultant and health coach on your team can make a massive difference in being able to understand and utilize the best information to achieve the results you desire.

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Therefore, a three month commitment to regularly taking the prescribed herbal formula is necessary for you to experience the power of this medicine. Because herbal medicine beautifully supports acupuncture treatments, it is recommended you regularly receive acupuncture treatments while you are on your formula. Depending on your health condition and goals, acupuncture treatments can be as frequent as twice a week or as infrequent as twice a month.

Obviously, individual health results will vary depending on many factors, such as your health history, lifestyle, nutrition, commitment, and ability to make important lifestyle changes.

We are here for you on your health journey. We have seen amazing health transformations and know the power of making the right changes at the correct time.

If you have any questions or want to schedule an appointment, then contact us.


Cupping involves the placement of specifically designed cups on the body to create suction. This may increase blood flow and cell regeneration. In addition, cupping improves the movement of Qi, a subtle energy in the body, which may improve many other health conditions.

Cupping has a rich history. It has been practiced in many different cultures, including ancient Egypt, Greece, and China. Even the father of medicine, Hippocrates, recommended using cupping for many different health conditions.

Gua sha is another powerful technique that may stimulate blood flow and cell regeneration. Patients often report muscular pain significantly improves following a few gua sha sessions. To perform gua sha, the skin is lubricated with a relaxing oil and then repeatedly pressed with a special tool using smooth strokes.

The literal translation of gua sha is “to scrape petechia.” The appearance of petechia, which appears as sand-like bruising, is a desired effect of this treatment. This indicates the breakdown of tiny capillaries in the skin, which may stimulate increased blood flow and cell regeneration in the area.

Cupping and gua sha are typically offered separately from acupuncture treatments. These treatments are more frequently used for muscular pain, especially in the back, neck, and shoulders.

If you have any questions or want to book an appointment then please contact us today.